A Fairy Tale Gala
About 300 plus young professionals from Houston’s elite circles gathered at the Four Seasons Hotel in Houston, Texas in fabulous gowns and cocktails dresses to celebrate the Fifth annual Pink Door Gala. This Fairy Tale Ending themed gala was a mega success and Cortney Cole the founder of the Pink Door Non-Profit Organization excitedly revealed that they exceeded their goal and raised a total of $151,728.42. Pink Door, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the assistance of women cancer survivors, was founded in 2007 by Cortney Cole Hall in honor of her mother, the organization has come a long way, constantly providing resources and assistance to survivors and raising funds to help their recovery.
“It is my great pleasure to see the hard work and your passion and heart dedicated to Pink Door by many dedicated members to achieve to help 30 women cancer patients and survivors over 2013, begin a new life after cancer through Pink Door’s mission,” informed Cortney Cole. The gala was a reflection of all their hard work, a very successful event with gala chair Jared Lang and Co-Chairs David and Debbie LaRue.
Not only did they exceed their goal, but what a long way it has come since their start in 2007, making this year the most funds Pink Door has ever raised and granting three wishes to the survivors in need. The event was emceed by ABC 13 Morning Anchor Sharron Melton and the VIPs attending the gala were: Courtney Zubowski and Dr. Eric Haas, Bob and Paula Conroy, Steve and Ellen Robinson, Paul and Jo Soanes, Tom Noons, Tammy and Marshall Sweed, Ken Hanley, Dr. Roland Maldonado and Joel Bickley, Dr. Neil and Rekha Muddaraj, Donnie Vondra, Dan and Perri D’Armond, Councilman Corbett Daniel Parker, Edward Sanchez, Houston Dynamo Charities, Jill & Calvin Schlenker, and Hasti Taghi and Pierce Bush, Laura LaRue and Tim White, Chad Rufer, Gabriella Aliberti, Jacquie Baly, and many others.
Photos by Daniel Ortiz
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