Fashioning with Dior | Pratham’s Annual Holiday Luncheon
Society with Ruchi
Event Buzz
For those who like to plan ahead. Get ready for Pratham’s Annual Holiday Luncheon. Now for about three years the non-profit organization that works for the literacy movement in India has been hosting a fashionable charity luncheon with Saks Fifth Avenue at the Junior League of Houston. The event is quite popular amongst ladies as this is the most fashionable desi event for all generations with a giving heart. This year takes it up a notch as they have Saks 5th Avenue staging a fashion show featuring Christian Dior.
Pratham is India’s leading non-profit organization working in the area of primary education for under privileged children. Its mission is to ensure that every child is in school and learning well. Pratham’s extensive network in slum areas also enables it to layer other activities, such as libraries, health programs, and computer education, at minimal additional cost. Pratham’s uniqueness lies in the simplicity of its model. It does not invest in acquiring immovable assets unless the need is clearly established. Instead it uses assets that already exist within the community. As a result, Pratham’s model is both low-cost and scalable.
I would not miss this event for two reasons: a great charity and personally am a big fan of Christian Dior. Lights Camera Action will be there for photo ops and will be spotting ‘Miss Dior’. The winner will be featured for an exclusive interview and a gift certificate. So make sure you plan your outfit ahead.
Always the big question! What to wear? According to the fashion and style department of Saks Sylvia Forsythe, “the typical DIOR lady is very elegant, sophisticated and understated. She wears simple dresses with accessories or structured suits. The colors to keep in mind for this fall is black, gray, red, camel and purple. The bags this season are smaller and more structured,” she explained via an email.
If you did not get your make up right for the event don’t stress as Dior, their cosmetic partner, will be there for make-overs and touch up’s before and after the show. The luncheon guests will be able to purchase cosmetic items in the foyer area of the very chic venue.
Message from the Event Co-Chair
My name is Asha Dhume and I am co-chairing the Annual Holiday Luncheon this year which will be held on Friday, December 2, 2011 at the Houston Junior League. This is the 4th year of this fund-raiser and it promises to be a fun filled, exciting event like the past years. We have Saks 5th Avenue staging a fashion show for us featuring Christian Dior.
I joined the cause of Pratham and am proud to be a part of this initiative because I believe that Education has the best chance of transforming an under privileged child to a privileged life. Pratham’s model is easy to understand and implement and is highly impact-full. Ninety four percent of funds raised are spent on the programs – a high % for a NGO. India is still a developing nation and the funds raised in the US go a long way in making a difference in a child’s life.
The Junior League of Houston
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